So anyway, I looked at her blog to see how she put it together. I am fairly confident that I can make these. That is, I was fairly confident. I sat down and cut out the pattern, and then went to fit them together. It just didn't look right. So, back to the blog to see what I was doing wrong. Ah ha, I was missing a peice. So, I went back to my stack of papers and rifled through them to find it. It wasn't there. After about the tenth time going through the papers, just in case I had missed it the other nine, I had an epiphany! It fell off the printer. Sure enough the fan in the bedroom had sent the page all the way to the other side of the room.
So, with that problem solved, I finished piecing together the pattern. Now, I am not a small girl, and this pattern was for a 28" waist. My waist measures in at 38" (insert a very sad, sad face here). And on top of that, I have a butt that would make Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian jealous. So, I chopped the pattern up to add in some extra inch-age. I also added 3" to the bottom to cover up my bodacious booty. I added in some seam allowances (the pattern was not originally made with them), and FINALLY started cutting it out. Then to my despair, I realized that I had not added enough inch-age! When I tried to see how it would fit, I discovered I still needed to add about 2" around the waist. And also because of the way I would like it to fit, I need to add a good 3-4" around the legs. I am just determined to get this right, but now it's time to get busy doing homework (I take classes online) and prepare for Shaun to come home. There just aren't enough hours in the day!