Sunday, July 1, 2012

Curse You Sewing Machine!

Now, I am not a seamstress. I can sew to save my life, but my items always come out sloppy. So, I don't know why I got it in my head to resize a pattern for tap pants.

Oh... yeah... cuz I really want a pair, and I want them to fit me... and, and... I don't want to spend $70 buying them off of etsy. So, I persisted.
I refit the pattern. I tormented over my angelicalishly demonic 1969 New Home sewing machine... and... I ... DID IT! Well, eh, kind of.

They do look pretty, albeit a little wonky. Like everything though, it will just take practice. Here in a few days I am going to try again. See, I forgot to lower the crotch on these, so they didn't fit so well. Also, I did a horrible job with the yoke. But it was a good first attempt (considering I haven't sewn anything of this caliber since I was pregnant with my daughter) , and now I know where to fix it next time. Plus, after a bit of tweaking, they are wearable now! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this girl has undergarments befitting of a lady.

I also tried to do a pair of 1930 knickers using a circle pattern I saw on another blog a few months back, but the results were so atrocious that I dare not put them here. Maybe on another attempt.
What is next for me to attempt you might ask? Well, I am toying with the idea of finding a pattern for a slip. I found this marvelous pattern at the flea market last weekend, and I am dying to make both the dress and the apron...

But not until I am a little more practiced! And what better way to get practice than by making the things that go underneath and no one will see!

What projects do the rest of you have going?


  1. Congratulations on your first big sewing project!! Now you've got the ball rolling, so it can only get easier.
    On a side note, that apron is absolutly adorrable!

  2. Thank you, Eryal!
    I don't know what I would do without your support! Whenever I feel like I can't accomplish anything, you are always there to push me to try again!
