Thursday, July 5, 2012

If I have another daughter someday, I am going to name her Impatience...

because I have the least amount of patience in the world. And my poor mind scurries around subjects like a squirrel trying to escape a moving vehicle (or who hears jangling keys teehee!). I have so many topics on my mind and no way to filter them into anything coherent at all. Oh the joys of obsession.

Here are a few things on my mind right now...

Tap Panties- I am working on a new pattern again! This time I am trying another one from Mrs. Depew. It is a much simpler design, and I am quite enjoying it. Here are a few pictures of the project in action.

 I really messed up cutting it out. The waistband is supposed to include the little strip I left on the bottom of the large pattern piece. Oops. I rectified the mistake and cut out more material , only to discover I didn't really like the way it looked. So, I have decided to trim the waist, placket, and legs in black bias tape. It contrasts lovely with the pale yellow fabric. It is done in french seams (which I discover I love!), and my first attempt at them turned out gorgeous. I also learned a wonderful step to making my sewing look more professional. IRONING!! Someone should have told me long ago to iron everything in between every step. I will try to post some pictures of  the pants tomorrow, they look so wonderful. I'm very proud. 
Mrs. Depew is having a giveaway right now on her blog A Few Threads Loose! She will be giving away two of her wonderful patterns! I must say I want to win these, but I will most likely get the patterns one way or another. I already have a slip pattern from her, which will by my next project after I finish both sets of tap panties. After that I have picked out a nightgown and pajamas that I would like to try next! 
I must give a huge Thank You with a hug and a kiss to Shaun for allowing me to wreck the house to indulge this seamstress bug I have gotten!

Etiquette- I feel as if I am never quite lady like enough. I used to roll my eyes at my Mom when she would tell me that one of my actions was not lady like. Well, now I wish I would have listened! I am in great need of some finishing classes. I wonder if there are any around here?

Proper 40's Appearance- I wish I had access to a Sydney's like they have in the Women. I need my hair done, a manicure and pedicure, my eyebrows sculpted, a facial, a massage, my posture fixed, and my body exercised so these pounds would shed off. But, alas, I am but a monetary challenged person and could not afford it if there was such a place around here. So, I must improvise. I can do much of it on my own. This needs to happen in the next few days. I miss my Jungle Red nails!

Housekeeping- Boy! Have I let this one slip! I have been so obsessive over my sewing that I have let the house fall into slight messiness. Okay, looking around, quite messiness! I have laundry to do, a few dishes in the sink, and tons, I mean TONS, of thread and fabric scraps to pick up. I absolutely must get this sewing done!

Flylady- A few friends and I have started a FlyLady group on Facebook. I am anxious to see it up and going!

Well, add in some college courses and three kids, one of which is here tonight and I am missing the other two terribly, and you have me in a nutshell tonight. How about all of you? What is on your mind tonight?

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